Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Communication skills workshop 4 Clarification and Confrontation_foundation of counseling

Communication skills workshop 4 Clarification and Confrontation_foundation of counseling

Q In the Content area, revisit the videos and your responses for clarifying and confronting from your communication skills pre-test. Include your original clarification and confrontation from the pre-test in your post. Answer the following: After learning more about clarifying and confronting, write a different clarification and confrontational response. How would you respond differently now? As you read the posts of your classmates, how does your new response compare to theirs? What have you learned from one another?

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Original response He might be losing his temper because he cannot drive at peace, but that has never resulted in an accident or breaking of the law or even a ticket, so it is not a big deal to express the turmoil and his family can still feel safe with him.